Thank you for shopping with us! We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If you need to return an item, please review our policy below.
If you have any questions or need assistance with your return, please contact our support team. We’re happy to help!
At The Mad Hatter Co., we offer multiple shipping options, including USPS Ground Advantage, USPS Priority, and UPS Ground. These services typically deliver orders within 3-5 business days. Please note that our standard fulfillment time is 4-5 business days, which means your order will ship after this processing period.
The Mad Hatter Co. is not responsible for shipping address discrepancies, including lost, stolen, misplaced, or incorrectly delivered shipments.
Customers are responsible for providing the correct shipping information at the time of purchase.
We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to double-check your shipping details before placing your order.
Tracking numbers are sent to your email as soon as your order’s label is
printed. This means that the shipping process has begun, and your tracking
number will update as soon as USPS scans your order in. This does not mean your
order is lost, it is not uncommon for an order to remain in pre-shipment for
multiple days. Please only contact us about this if your order has surpassed
the estimated time for shipment.